Dear Sweet Baby Girl,
As I was driving away from physical therapy this morning I noticed I had a voicemail from a number that I didn’t recognize. I hit play and heard a woman’s voice say that you were leaving the hospital and needed a foster family. I immediately pulled over to the side of the road and called her back. I told her that I was already on the road and could come and get you right away if that is what you needed. She informed me that the process didn’t work that way, that you were in a different city from ours and that they would prefer to place you with someone closer. She told me she would call me in two hours and give me an update.
I called my husband and told him about you. He was very excited and wanted to leave work right away. I filled him in on the way the system works and he told me to keep him updated. I hung up the phone and in those few sweet moments I imagined what you looked like, what a brave little girl you have been, what a difficult life you have already had in just one short month of life. I imagined us picking you up from the hospital and taking you home where you would be safe and loved. I thought about your mama and prayed for her and the difficult time she must be going through. Then I drove home, threw a few bottles, some formula and a little stuffed animal into a makeshift diaper bag, and prayed some more.
After what felt like the longest two hours of my life, the phone rang. The woman’s voice on the other end sounded happy, and my heart almost beat out of my chest. She said, “I’m sorry, they found a foster home closer to her city, so your family wasn’t chosen.” My heart sank.
While we are so incredibly happy and thankful that there is a wonderful foster family who is going to pick you up today and love you, we are a little sad that it wasn’t us. We had been an official foster family for one day when they called to tell us about you. You, I am sure, are the first of many calls we will get, but I will never forget it.
This is just the beginning of your journey, and you have a long road ahead little one. I pray that your mama gets the help she needs and that your new foster family gives you lots of snuggles and kisses. In only a few short hours you have taught me about motherhood, attachment, the foster system, and patience.
We may never meet you but we will remember you for the rest of our lives. We will be praying for you sweet baby girl ♥
Another Foster Family