Foster Care

100 Days as Foster Parents

December 2, 2016

Today is officially the 100th day that we have been foster parents. In that time we have changed 838 diapers, cleaned 1,412 bottles, had 87 sleepless nights, and washed what feels like at least 2,000 loads of laundry. We’ve spent days crying countless tears, we’ve prayed countless times, and we’ve spent countless hours worrying. We have also given and received countless hugs, snuggles, and kisses. We lost count of  all the times we have held our stomachs in pain from laughing so hard at sweet little A’s baby giggles.

Being foster parents is the hardest thing we have ever done, but it’s also the best thing we have ever done. 

We currently have a wonderful little 10 month old baby girl who we call “A”. Our journey with her over these past two months has been a rocky one, but we are finally getting a schedule down and figuring out how to be the best family that we can be.

JJ and I have absolutely loved being parents to these sweet babes. It’s only been 100 days but we have learned a lot and we still have so much more to learn.


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