This time last year I was humming along to an Ella Fitzgerald song that was playing softly on the record player as I danced & swayed with you all swaddled up in my arms. JJ & A were both asleep, but you & I were wide awake & just getting to know each other. I remember you being so small & yet somehow you had already taking up a huge part of my heart. I have had the privilege of knowing you, loving you, caring for you, teaching you, and protecting you this year.
You really are my ray of sunshine when all the clouds are grey. You love all of us so much & you also love exploring the world around you. You just learned to walk a few weeks ago, & I can’t tell you how proud of yourself you are to triumphantly totter from one room to another. You just started calling me “mama” & it is something I have tucked away in my heart.
You are, by all definitions of the word, an absolute miracle. We love you & pray for the man you will become someday. We don’t know what your future holds, but we know that we always want to play a part in it. We love you sweet boy, my little Sunshine. Happy birthday.